The Wild Casino Adventure follows the fantastical love story of Wanshiya owner Wan Jincheng and the quirky heiress Shen Xiaoyan, who accidentally swap souls and, after numerous challenges, find love in each other. Wan Jincheng, a greedy and lustful man, is the mysterious owner of the Wanshiya in the legendary casino city, possessing an ancient Native American staff that gives him the power to control souls. Having faced hardships since childhood, he suffers from "love deficiency." During a mission to rescue the heroine Shen Xiaoyan from the hands of Qiu-ge, a mishap triggers the soul-controlling staff, causing them to swap souls. As they navigate a series of laugh-out-loud misadventures, the two gradually develop feelings for one another. Just as Shen Xiaoyan realizes she’s falling for Wan Jincheng, he is kidnapped by a mysterious woman named Lucy—revealing it all to be a trap carefully orchestrated by his childhood friend, Shangguan Jing.